22 November 2005

Kostunica’s speech on Serbia's Parliament

I love Peace

The Serbian Parliament has approved the project resolution of the Serbian Government for Kosovo. In the proposed reason from government, the prime minister of Serbia Vojislav Kostunica said that the resolving of Kosovo status need to save integrity of the Serbian and Montenegro territory, and the substantial autonomy for Albanians in Kosovo. On his speech Kostunica also said that “there is not any case in whole world that any national minority (on this way he calls Albanian in Kosovo) has the right to make their own state”. He said that “the right for the self determine pertain just people, but not national minorities. Albanian in Europe has their own state with century, so in Serbia they can win just wind political and territorial autonomy.
He also said that for his meaning Independence of Kosovo will cause irregularity not only on the region but in international arena also”.
“The government and Parliament of Serbia will be unique that Kosovo is the constituent part of Serbia’s, and that need to stay like that”, said Kostunica. For this resolution voted all deputies accept those from Democratic Party- President Boris Tadics’s Party, which abstained.

My opinion about this is just like all Kosovars opinion, this resolution is b.ll sh.t .

Here you have some facts that make the Kostunica’s speech incorrect and completely lie:

First Kosovo is not part of Serbia. If you read the history of Kosovo or even if you read the history of Serbia you will see that on the time when Serbia was recognized like state, Kosovo was not part of Serbia’s territory. On that time Kosovo was not natural part of Serbia’s government so why that need to be artificial part of Serbia? Kosovo become later part of Serbia. It wasn’t part of Serbia that’s why Kosovo was occupied by Serbia. So, Kosovo is occupied part and the people of Kosovo is not national minority of any state, people of Kosovo is “PEOPLE” and need to have the right of self determine and right to built his own state in their own territory, this right that Kostunica knows very well.

Second, the Albanians has their own state- (……….just look the same ideology of Kostunica with Milosevic when they depart and genocide the people of Kosovo to send them on their own state “Albania”…… this shows that leaders of Democratic Serbia” now have same ideology with Milosevic………….) -Albanians have one state but Kosovars don’t have any. Kosovars are not national minority and they don’t want to have their state based on nationality or ethnic state because if they could want this that will be a big problem for Serbia and all Balkan because Albanian nationality and ethnic territory includes half of territory that now pertain to Serbia-(Nish, Presheva, Bujanovc, Medvexha etc..), half of territory of Macedonia-(Tetova, Ohrid, SHkup, Strug, Kumanov,……etc….) , one peace of Montenegro-(Ulcin, Plav, Guci…etc…), one peace of Greek-(there where Arvanitas lives), one peace of Italia-(there where Arberesh lives). This will be the map of all “Albanians state”.
However, I will repeat again that his is not wish of Kosovo or Albania and this is showed by resolution of Albania that wants Kosovo to be independent state not to joy Albania and this is showed by all the wars and all the documents that Kosovo did all this years that this PEOPLE want to have Independence.

Third, Mr. Kostunica should know that Kosovo state won’t be based on national or ethnic nature because this won’t be only Albanian state but this will be multiethnic state which will include Serbians, Turkish, Bosnian, Goran, and gipsy nationality on this state but of course with Albanian majority. They all together will be one nation called “Kosovar” and will have same flag, same anthem, and the most important thing Kosovo will be democratic state and there won’t be ethnical, cultural, and educational difference but it will be the example of the coexistence of multinational peoples, minorities, nationalities which are gratefulness or convicted to live together but when all this peoples will have their right and respect for each others.

Fourth, I don’t know for what destabilize of region Mr. Kostunica is talking about? When I heard the Kostunica’s speech I went and checked the Balkans map and there I sow the Macedonia in border of Kosovo which is pro Kosovo’s independence, I sow Albania with is also pro independence, I sow Montenegro which is not against Kosovo independence and then I was sure that on region Kosovo will be stabilized place and have good relation ship with all neighbors.
Kosovo Independence will stabilized state of Serbia also, because when we will be Independent state Serbia will look forward for integration on the European Union or on NATO or on many international organizations in the world and just when Kosovo will become Independent, Serbia will become democratic place for all citizens that lives there because they will have time to resolve their problems and the winners of election will win based on the economic and democratic plans not on the nationalistic speech against Kosovo like always leaders of parties do during elections in Serbia.

However, for international arena I can say that will be problem independence of Kosovo, just in case if Serbia will try to do another war here that will cause an international problem (if Russia or Kina will support them). Or maybe Kostunica was seeing far away and was trying to say that they can cause FOURTH WORLD WAR……ha-ha……!!!!!! Who knows!? They did ones on First World War!!!!

However, all Deputies of Serbian acclaim Kostunica’s speech and this showed that all these deputies don’t know good their history or they have tried to learn it but they are based just in Serbian writers and books…… or if this is not like this then our way really will be hard because we have to do with “smart peoples” which can change the history of all Balkan just for their interest and this shows that they can do everything like always did.
This don’t need to make us afraid, but this need to make us to open our eyes and to don’t let them play dirtily games and to put down their lies with facts.
I know we have a lot of FACTS, Facts that are based on truth and with our truthfully we need to win a trust of all international community even if they knows good our way and sacrifice for freedom and independence in all this centuries.


Michi said...

I think the point about causing problems in the international arena has more to do with minority populations in other countries that have been fighting for years to have independence - for example, the Basque region of Spain. If Kosovo wins independence, it will give precedence for other autonomous regions to also have independence. That is the technical argument they are using.

I love your passion and your clear thinking. Keep it up, girl!

I love peace said...

well michi that's how serbain's leaders are saying and thats how russia is trying to make obstacles, but let me tell you this: None poples on the worls have the oldness history thats Kosova have, none of the populations have the traditions, languge and other differencies from the states that they are occupied. Kosova doesn't have any connection with Serbian or Yougoslavia and for even the names (I mean -SLAVIA) does exclude the Kosovo from that artificial creature. Anyway I have read a lot about basques and I won't denny their rights, but i don't think they are pure as Kosovars. Lots of those populates are mixed with spain, they got merried, almost all of them talks on spanish and somehow its hard to separate those poeples.
and also, if they want to have their liberty, they must fight and also they must have strong "amigos". the factical situation ceates states and we made a factical idepedent state of Kosovo. they must do same, not my our war and blood they must win independence. they must earn it just like we did. not ask for it.

You cannot win liberty by asking for, but by earning it.
