16 June 2007

How to improve interethnic dialogue in Balkans?

I love Peace

“The reality today is that we are all interdependent and have to co-exist on this small planet. Therefore, the only sensible and intelligent way of resolving differences and clashes of interests, whether between individuals or nations, is through dialogue”. - Dalai Lama

Looking back on Balkan’s history; war seems to be part of its life. The aim of Balkan’s states and nations was the destruction of enemies (neighbors), and when achieved it was called a victory. There was a relevance to violence and war. This created a hateful collective memory of people of Balkans which unfortunately is still present. This memory is created by fake historians which couldn’t get out of their nationalism and tell the truth to a future generations that all these wars and terrible things happened because there was no cooperation, no dialogue and that happened because the envy of each other and the aim to be the stronger, which prevailed over the peace and normal life. And the other reason is that on Balkan’s was not born any Nelson Mandela or Abraham Lincoln, but the only hero’s are the ones that died fighting on wars. And the history got repeated over and over again.

Unfortunately, Balkan’s region didn’t get to keep up with other European countries which used to cooperate and compete to succeed each other in other forms of control (by developing economically, technologically, intellectually) even if they were rivals on all kind of aspects and the example of cooperation between French and German after World War II and the result of this cooperation gives a perfect example to Balkan’s states on what they need to focus on.

But did the Balkan countries today achieved that intellectual development to get out of hateful collective memory and are the people of Balkan’s ready to move toward dialogue and integration?

I think today when we face a problem or disagreements; we achieved to understand that the only way to come up with any solution is through dialogue. But the dialog doesn’t mean making the bunch of words and meetings without getting a solution. When the dialog starts both sides must be aware that there should be a willing to change. Balkan’s states and people must know that effective dialogue is the only appropriate method. We must understand that one sided victory is no longer objective and we don’t need to destroy our neighbors; we don’t need to ignore their interests; mark: we need to cooperate.

How we may achieve this? Not by erasing or rewriting history because that’s impossible, not by forgetting the past because I cannot forget the loved once killed, and not by revenge. Revenge is something that will lead to same history and events; all what is necessary to achieve better dialog and cooperation between Balkan’s nations and states, is an official apology from a people that used to support the criminals and regret for what they did which will result on bringing criminals in front of justice. From the other side a respect to those people and honest cooperation to move and create mutual objectives for peace an better life. When this faze is achieved then the other way is more easy.

For improving the dialogue between Balkan’s another important way is the economical development and cooperation. The economical cooperation will get this people near each other especially will bring the trust and a modern competition which is an precaution for this region to move toward integration. The CEFTA agreement is an good start and is a light for a hope that this region started to improve on economical cooperation. The free trade and free movement will integrate people.

In the other hand the cultural and intellectual meetings is another way to get near each other. Summer universities, regional competitions in every kind of cultural or intellectual accepts will help these countries and nations to share and compete with the best they have, and at the same time will help them to expound their intellectual horizon of knowledge and seek for same objectives.

Doing so, these countries will have more easy to get integrated on Europe and on the world of globalization; the world where borders are only in paper where the sovereignty and land concepts takes another meaning and becomes out dated.

Therefore the conclusion will lead us to concept that violence and hegemony is unsuitable and the nonviolence and dialog are the appropriate methods of dealing with difficulties and differences and I believe that people of Balkan’s will understand it and it will become an ideology (instead of their nationalism); the ideology of moving the civilization toward peace and normal life.
This is final essay submitted to virtual school of dialogue, graduating at VI generation....