02 February 2007

Today is "that" day

I love Peace

if you are asking your self wich must be that day that I'm talking about...probebly you are not kosovar...becuase all kosovars used to wait for about 7 years for this day...... a day when the 1244 resolution will end and the status quote will move toward...

So today is the day that Mr. Ahtisari will represent his proposal about kosovo status.
what did he cooked on his misterious kittchen???!!!! and did we gonna like it..... it's all question mark for now....

anyway kosovar-albanians are waiting to have Kosovo Independence and kosovar-serbians or most of them are waiting to have a return of kosovo on serbia on same situation as it used to be before 1999. who will see their dream comming true....I think neither side....

that's because international politics is not on Kosovo-albanians side and aslo is not on serbian side.

I'm saying this because just few days ago, british minister for international relation used to represent to Europian Union the proposal for new resolution where was proposed Kosova Indepedence but majority of Evropian Parlament requested to disregard that article and also they modified the resolution by removing the Serbia's soverignity from Kosovo...and they approved the resolution without kosovo independence article and without serbia's soverignity which means something/nothing for both sides.

anyway, regarding this situation what whould be the Ahtisar's proposal today???

I may assume that its not gonna be the full independence and also it's not gonna be the return to the situation pre-war(1999).
anyway the proposal that will be accpeted for both sides is as follows:
First proposal (which has most possibility) can be the Kosovo with attributions of state which means with the possibility to be represented by it's own on interational organizations and with the full right respect of minorities with decentalization wich performs a strong municipality with a lots of competencies expecually on municipality with serbian majority and also a lots of such municipalities. also including the right of serbia to finance this municipalities but just if those finances are review and approved by Kosovo Government, without forgeting here the north Mitrovica which needs to be on Kosovo territory unical with the south Mitrovica with the two "presidents"(representatives) from each side and with an board that will take decisions; also for a period of time kosovo needs to be under observal of UE and NATO. (limmited independence)

-Kosovar-albanians will accept this proposal but they won't be happy(the situation will be under controll and there won't be demonstrations)
-Kosovar-serbians will accept this proposal and they also won't be happy and NATO needs to be focused especially on Mitrovica.

other proposals gonna result with demonstartions and revolt of either albanian or serbian side....

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