04 March 2006


I love Peace

I won’t go back in history to tell what March means in Kosova. To be short, here it comes my question which I was trying to find answer for one month ago…” what will happened this march”?????? Will happen another war???!!!! Did will happen another riot??!!! It looks not! People of Kosova is calm down and is waiting to see what will happened with negotiations, otherwise they don’t want to happen another “Riot March”, because they know that this will “hit” Kosova and the International Community will punish them again and this will effect bad for Kosova status… In addition, dynamic process of determining the status of Kosova is acceptable for Kosovars so there is not any reason for having riots again. (LESSON LEARNED on 2004).
Otherwise, It looks political elite in Kosova didn’t learn lesson… telling the truth this changes on Government (but not in parliament) should happened long time ago, but NOT ON MARCH… maybe is just a dread that is created on our minds but MARCH seams to be portentous for Kosova.... therefore Kosova’s leaders should think about Kosova not about their chairs. I know how difficult is for one politician to give resignation but (even if I didn’t like that) Daci should give his resignation and let situation calm. Kosova is more important then individuals and carriers so Mr. Daci and Mr. Kosumi hope this March will end with your resignations and not like last times.
"One day we must come to see that peace is not merely a distant goal we seek, but that it is a means by which we arrive at that goal.
We must pursue peaceful ends through peaceful means".Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

I really like this one:
"Imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will live as one". John Lennon
best regards Meli

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